Artist Mark Wells |
A Big Thank You! to all those who came out, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, to the Paint and Play event !!! Artist Edna Wells discovered that our “heron in residence” had a secret fishing spot by the dam. ”Henry” as we call him, was quite cooperative this morning in entertaining our guests. He kept artist Pat Piscapo, from Phoenix Rising Center, company for about 2 hours while she was working on her piece. Later in the day he demonstrated the fine art of fish gulping for those participating in Jay’s workshop. Here are some pics in Plein-air. I think we need to have a few more of these Sunday events in the near future!
Heron in Residence Fishing |
Artist Pat Piscapo | |
Henry on the dam |
Henry admiring some graffiti |
Luke Stills( Left) and Jay Foster( Right)
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