Harvey Kimmelman at Battel Stoeckel Gallery,Norfolk

Drawing by Harvey Kimmelman
Fellow Artist Harvey Kimmelman will be having a showing of some of his wonder life drawings, watercolors, and perhaps some fresco in Norfolk  starting next week.

The group show is sponsored by the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, Yale School of Music.

It will be held at the Battell Stoeckel Gallery in Norfolk.

The directions state" follow signs on the Stoeckel Estate to the gallery from Route 44 and 272".

The opening is August 12th
5pm- 7:30PM

The show runs
August 12th,13th,&14th
Sat.13: 12PM-6PM
Sun. 14: 11:00AM-4:00PM

More info can be found at www.norfolkartistsandfriends.org.


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